
Performance Vector Unmanned

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An Industry Segment On The Rise

The use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) is growing steadily and this burgeoning aviation sector pushes new boundaries every day. In the United States, registered UAS outnumber registered manned aircraft. Performance Vector Unmanned helps foster safe use by providing UAS policyholders with the tools to operate safely and comply with regulations. The program helps foster a competent and responsible operator base for commercial UAS.


Performance Vector Unmanned makes safety and loss control services available to every USAIG UAS policy.  All you need to do to receive a SafetyPoints allocation based on the scale and complexity of your policy coverage is request enrollment.  SafetyPoints can be used to access a diverse portfolio of safety products, training courses, organizational resources and services designed to boost the safety and compliance of UAS operators. Eligibility to re-enroll in Performance Vector Unmanned refreshes at each annual policy renewal, so USAIG’s support for your safety program can be a strategic and ongoing part of your operation—as all good safety programs should be.

Connect with Experts

USAIG has teamed up with the Unmanned Safety Institute (USI) to make world-class services available through Performance Vector Unmanned.  USI brings over 30 years of experience in UAS flight safety operations, employing subject matter experts from disciplines including human factors, aeronautics, autonomous technology, safety assurance, and many more. Their service scope covers virtually all aspects of UAS operations, from organizational consulting for operating doctrine and policy development; education and training; certification programs; software and other products that support operational safety management. USI’s focus is on the future of the aviation industry and the workforce that will supply the unmanned community. Their mission is to educate, train, and certify “the elite in unmanned safety to go beyond proficiency and create industry leaders, innovators, visionaries, and aviators.” Want them helping your team? Enroll in Performance Vector Unmanned!

Many Options To Target Your Specific Needs

We know UAS operations at different stages of growth and development don’t all have the same needs. We’ve developed SafetyPoints so you can customize your Performance Vector Unmanned benefit to target your operation’s specific safety and loss control priorities each policy year.  Need to get a new remote pilot trained up on safety protocols and prepared for the Part 107 exam?  You can use your points toward that course. How about educational short courses for your established operators or getting your outfit on the path toward advanced UAS certifications? Maybe you need software to manage remote pilot tracking and maintenance compliance. Perhaps a Standard Operating or Emergency Response Procedures manual template is needed to strengthen the operation’s documentation. There are dozens of options available in USI’s Performance Vector Unmanned online marketplace, where you can choose how and when to redeem your SafetyPoints toward the services you need most. 

Click here to explore Performance Vector Unmanned options in USI’s online marketplace. 
(Note: this will leave USAIG’s website.)

Get Enrolled, Get Points, Get Services

It’s easy. Just let your aviation insurance broker or underwriter know you want to enroll in Performance Vector Unmanned and provide them contact information for the person you want to receive your SafetyPoints.  Your broker or underwriter will trigger the enrollment, and your designee will receive an email stating the number of points issued for your policy and an authorization code to register your SafetyPoints in USI’s Performance Vector Unmanned online marketplace.  Once done, you’re ready to shop for the services you need.  Re-enrollment in Performance Vector Unmanned is available after each annual policy renewal, but it’s not automatic and must be requested within each policy year.


Use this convenient online form to provide your client’s policy and contact information to enroll in Performance Vector Unmanned program.

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