Owner Pilot Proficiency
Train Once a Year – and Earn a Premium Credit
Even though we offer premier coverages and exceptional claims service, we know that professional, recurrent training delivers the very best safety insurance. If you fly, you should be training at least once a year. We feel so strongly about this, if you do train annually with a qualified provider, we will provide a 7.5 percent premium credit.
Qualified Training
- FAA Pilot Proficiency Award Program (AOPA Foundation’s Air Safety Institute online safety courses and live seminars qualify as FAA sanctioned safety seminars required by the “Wings” program.)
- Beechcraft – Beechcraft Pilot Proficiency Program
- Cessna – Cessna Pilots Association Flight Proficiency Program
- Cirrus – COPA Cirrus Pilot Proficiency Program
- Mooney – MAPA Safety Foundation Pilot Proficiency Program
- FlightSafety International
- Professional Instrument Courses Inc.
- SimCom Training Centers
Stay Up to Date and Boost Your Aviation Knowledge
Staying informed is vital to your safety as a pilot. Whether it’s drawing lessons from aviation incidents, receiving tips and techniques shared by respected aviation pros, or keeping up to speed on important issues and developments affecting General Aviation, we know it’s important to feed your aviation interest. New Owner Pilot policies include two bonus items designed to do just that.
- Sporty’s Flight Review and Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC) on line courses – Flight Review explores regulations, weather reports and forecasts, airspace, aeromedical factors, aeronautical charts, and airport signs and markings—everything you need to stay proficient and complete the ground portion of your next flight review. IPC covers basic attitude instrument flight, preflight and aircraft systems, navigation, holding, approaches, emergencies and weather. IPC improves your skills and confidence to operate in the demanding instrument environment. These courses are available as streaming online courses (Windows, Mac) and via iOS app for Apple, Android, Roku TV and Apple TV.
For additional proficiency training options please have your aviation insurance professional contact us.